Welcome Pack
Welcome Pack
Thank you for joining EWPA, and would like to provide you with these updated guidelines to help you understand the changes we have made to our current operational practices.
EWPA can offer a trial class to welcome new students to join our dance studio. All students wishing to attend classes thereafter must complete the registration process by submitting a membership and consent form (available from the Admin desk). This will ensure that all students and parents/guardians are aware of the code of conduct and conditions of joining our dance studio.
EWPA has nearly 60 years of experience training dancers in both dance technique and discipline. This means that the teachers who deliver the range of dance classes are qualified and experienced to ensure that every student is taught appropriate levels for the age and development of the child.
Students are taught in line with the BATD (British Association of Teachers of Dancing) and have the option of working towards recognised Awards and Grades. Students who do not want to take exams can also take part in a range of Open classes which cover new styles of dancing, and Repertoire classes that include choreography from professional shows. We also provide online digital classes if restrictions tighten.
Payment of Dance Classes
Fees for dance classes will be required to be paid monthly (4 weeks) in advance. If anyone wishes to pay weekly, this must be requested. Payment dates will be displayed in the dance studio, and on the website. Payment can be made via standing order and set-up forms can be found at the admin desk. We take payment in cash or by card. Payment can also be taken over the telephone during studio hours. Reminders may be issued to ensure that arrears are not accrued. However, if anyone is experiencing difficulty in paying, then they are asked to contact Adelle directly to make an arrangement.
Payment for Exams
Exam fees are requested to be paid in advance. Receipts will be given along with confirmation of exams being presented. If you are unable to attend exams no refunds will be made unless you provide a medical certificate.
Students are encouraged to attend regularly and arrive on time. The new timetable allows for cleaning before and after classes, and we would appreciate if students are able to follow the guidance on safe entering and exiting the studio; lining up outside observing social distance, wearing masks if appropriate, using hand sanitisers provided. If any student is unable to attend we would be grateful if you could inform the studio prior to the class. If a student is persistently absent, without giving any explanation it will be deemed they have left the studio. Any fees which are outstanding should be settled on leaving the dance school.
Parents Evenings
Parent/guardians are invited during the year to see the progress that their child has achieved. This traditionally has been after dance exams in order for their work to be displayed and takes place in the studio. In light of Covid-19 restrictions, it may not be possible, however, we will be monitoring the situation, and investigating other ways to share your child’s progress.
Health & Safety
In light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the EWPA are taking account of current Scottish Government and BATD guidance, in order to ensure we are providing a safe environment for classes to take place. We have carried out Health and Safety risk assessments, and monitor these and ensure our cleaning regimes are in place and regularly maintained and monitored on a regular basis.
Our studio and staff are familiar and are compliant with all other existing Health and Safety regulations and ensure that all our classes are delivered in line with recognised safe practices.
Dance Shows
We produce an annual performance which is normally at the end of June (dates will be displayed on our notice board and website). This is held at The Beacon Theatre in Greenock.
It is a fantastic opportunity for your child to experience ‘life as a dancer’ where they will get to perform on stage with professional lighting & sound, learn all about being backstage and enjoy showing you all the work they have learned during the year!
Copyright & Consent
Due to the Child Protection Act there is no filming allowed of any classes
Safe use of phones
Phones must be on silent or switched off during class.
If you take a photo inside our studio, please be aware of anyone in the background of your photo and please ask their permission if you intend to post on social media.
Code of Conduct
As part of the EWPA family we strive to give you the best training and dance experience. We request that you do not attend another dance class out with our studio, as we feel this is a conflict of teaching.
Any dancewear or T-shirt and leggings are fine for new pupils. A uniform book is available for those wishing to purchase uniform, please ask at the admin desk. Pupils should bring a bag with their dance shoes and put these on in the studio. We ask if possible to have hair in a ponytail or ballet bun. Please note: water only ( no juice) inside the dance studio.
Fundraising/support your studio
We have various fundraising activities throughout the year to help toward the huge cost of hiring the theatre for our show. All profits go directly to the theatre which allows us to try to keep our ticket prices down.
Please keep checking Facebook, Instagram and our website for information on these events.
If you would like to be part of our fundraising team, please contact Adelle.
Contact details:
All information and updates are always posted on our Facebook page ( Elma Whyte Performing Arts). Please check this regularly to stay up to date with events etc.
If you need to contact Adelle please email: elmawhytedance@gmail.com
Alternatively, you can phone the studio: 0141 848 1005 during our opening hours and we will do our best to answer any queries you may have.